LIVING WORDS & LUMINOUS PICTURES. Medieval Book Culture in Denmark

LIVING WORDS & LUMINOUS PICTURES. Medieval Book Culture in Denmark

Author: Petersen, Erik
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Year Published: 1999
No. of pages: 116
Illustrations: 102 Color Illustrations.
Binding: Softbound
Size: 10 1/2”x 9”
Weight: 1.00
ISBN: 8770233942
Biblio/Bio: Index. Bibl.
Code: 4125

Price: $29.50

Enter into the magical world of the illuminated manuscript, one of the richest art forms from the Middle Ages in Europe. Living Words originated from a desire to make the contents of these manuscripts more accessible, thus exposing the various hidden facets of Middle Age life. This book explores the use and significance of the new book form-the codex-that revolutionized both the history of bookmaking and the history of civilization itself, as the written word now achieved a more flexible and durable medium. Chapters also deal more specifically with the role of the book in Medieval Denmark as well as Danish collections of the 18th Century. Written in striking detail and filled with colorful, illustrative pictures, this book provides fascinating glimpses of the life and light of the Middle Age period in Europe.